Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

› Why did I get mail from Erbenermittler-Koop?

We have commenced an investigation in a probate matter and have identified you as a possible person entitled to inherit. For this reason, we have sent you an agreement and a power of attorney. Your status as heir can only be determined by the probate court following the investigations in a certificate of inheritance procedure.

› Who can provide me with information about Erbenermittler-Koop?

Inquiry at the trade or regulatory office at the place of residence of the respective colleague. However, this information is usually subject to a charge. There is no entitlement to information.

You can also contact the police station responsible for you. Your police station will contact the police where the colleague lives. This way you can make sure that you are dealing with a reputable company.

› Why are we only now investigating cases where the decedent has been deceased for many years?

Often the competent probate court or the competent guardian of the estate has started investigations which have been unsuccessful. Sometimes the investigations are so complicated that they can only be brought to a conclusion by experts. For this reason, we were then commissioned to take over the investigations.

› Can I inherit debts?

We invest a lot of time and money in our research. That is why we make sure that the estate is a positive one before we start our research. We also find out about the composition of the inheritance (bank deposits or tangible assets).

It is in our best interest to determine only when estates are of value. Otherwise, we would participate in the debt on a percentage basis in accordance with the contract.

› Why am I not being given information about the decedent and the probate court that has jurisdiction?

In this way we want to ensure that our work is rewarded.

We will only receive our fee if we enter into a fee agreement with the identified heirs. We receive our fee at the time of the distribution of the estate. If our investigations are unsuccessful, our work was in vain.

› Why is the investigation taking so long?

Many factors play a role here:

  • investigations, document retrieval and tracing of persons abroad or in the former German eastern territories
  • complicated family relationships
  • a large circle of persons entitled to inherit
  • Investigations that go far back into the past – in particular, research in the times when births or baptisms, marriages and deaths were documented in church records is very lengthy

› When can I expect the estate to be distributed to me?

Here, too, many questions can arise, some of which are beyond our control:

  • How cooperative are the identified heirs?
  • Can we complete the investigation quickly?
  • How long does the inheritance certificate procedure take at the competent local court?
  • Where is the estate deposited? (Depository of the local court, savings account at a credit institution, custody account of a guardian of the estate)
  • How quickly can the estate assets be distributed?

› Do I have to pay in advance?

No, this is specifically covered in our fee agreement. We receive our fee at the moment you receive your share of the estate. We are only entitled to our fee in the event of a distribution of the estate.

› Do you have any further questions? We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Please get in touch with us.